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I’ve Never Read… A Book

TV Comedy

When I think back to 2003, two things stick in my mind. Firstly, that was the year when I dropped out of uni a complete and total failure. Secondly, it was when I got involved with a Red Dwarf fansite run by a certain Ian SymesGanymede & Titan.

A lot’s happened in the intervening years – whether it’s arguing with Iain Lee, nearly getting sued by Grant Naylor Productions, or… well, arguing with Norman Lovett. Yet oddly, for me, one of the most exciting things we’ve done is a repackaging of old stuff. Because last month, we put a book out.

Garbage Pod cover

A collection of some of the best articles we’ve published in the last nine years, it took actually holding it in my hands to realise how well it actually works as, well, a book. I can’t claim any credit for it (although I admit to being pleased that one of my articles kicks off the book) – it was edited by Seb Patrick, and the gorgeous cover you can see above was done by Danny Stephenson.

Whilst there’s no new articles as such, they have been updated where relevant, and footnotes added. A Dwarf guide for the hardcore, something fun for the telly nerd, a snapshot of a section of Dwarf fandom in the 2000s, or a vanity project by a bunch of pricks, take your pick – but feedback has been really positive so far.

You can order the book here for £4.99 (plus, unfortunately, £3 P&P in the UK). Profits – around 15% – go to Amnesty International. (You can also buy a PDF for £1.99.) In the words of Dr. Pepper, what’s the worst that can happen? Apart from HATING IT AND WISHING US DEAD, of course.

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