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There is a fantasy I have, when everything is getting on top of me. When news events get too much, when Twitter is just irritating, when work is perhaps a little more stressful than it needs to be. Why not just disappear for six months, work on something amazing, and then return with a flourish? “Look at this brilliant thing I’ve made, while you’ve all been wasting your time.”

To be fair, it can be done. I’ve seen people go AWOL, and return having written a fucking book. It’s a very appealing thing to do. Get away from the noise of daily internet life, and do something more useful instead. It sounds immensely soothing for the soul.

I just can’t do it.

The reason is twofold. For a start, I need to talk to people in order to make things; so much of the really good stuff on this site comes from conversations with likeminded people online. But the other problem is all in my own head: I just can’t work on one thing for six months. I need distractions along the way. I wish my brain behaved otherwise, but it just doesn’t.

So once I got to 10 distractions I really wanted to work on, and managed precisely no work on my Big Project, I had to make a decision.

*   *   *

In short:

a) Dirty Feed is back from hiatus.
b) Yes, I am a fucking moron.
c) To make up for it, I’ll publish something before the end of the month which really is a tremendous amount of fun.
d) Yes, I am a fucking moron.