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Get Ready for Jim

Music / Radio

Picture the scene. It’s the early 90s, and a tech op working for a commercial radio station (who shall remain nameless) has the joy of playing out Savile’s Travels to the eager listeners at home. Come out of the news, play a jingle, start the tape, listen to the output, and insert the local ads every so often. Job done.

Unfortunately, this means that this poor guy had to listen to hours upon hours of Jimmy Savile. And it didn’t take him long to realise a lot of the stuff a certain Mr. Savile said was… something fairly akin to gibberish. So when a new digital sampler arrived at the station, he decided to relieve his boredom and have some fun. The result is the most entertaining Jimmy Savile ever was in his entire career. Over 25 years later, perhaps this piece of audio only intended to internal hijinks deserves a wider audience.

Be warned, though. This does actually contain an awful lot of Jimmy Savile.

You may think the above was compiled from many different episodes of Savile’s Travels. I should leave you with one final fact, then: I’m afraid all the samples used come from a single episode of the programme.

Big ones.

One comment

Benedict on 29 June 2017 @ 6pm

Infamy at last – this was my handy work. I still have the reel of tape with all of the splice edits in it to prove it, although it’s been in the loft so long I doubt it would actually play now. This actually got airplay on the afore(un)mentioned radio station as it was unintentionally created around the time of Mr Saville’s birthday. Listeners ended up asking to hear it in preference to the regular 2Unlimited single, which was on the playlist at the time.

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